Sunday 5 April 2015

Vinayaka Jyothisham



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             Vinayaka Jyothisham suggests you 100% accurate solution within short time for all kinds of problems  LOVE, MARRIAGE, FAMILY PROBLEMS, CAREER, HEALTH & DIVORCEE.You can solve all your problems with simple remedies like donations,mantras and poojas. We also provide numerology solution like change of name or name correction for your better future.Signature is also corrected.

We also conduct classes for NUMEROLOGY, ASTROLOGY AND PALMISTRY.

PS: You tube videos are in Telugu language.



According to numerology 1 is a male number. The male numbers are 1,3,5,7 and 9. The people who born on this dates come under 1 category are 1, 10, 19 and 28[1+0=1, 1+9=1, and 2+8=10]. For 3 category this people will come i.e. who born on this dates 3, 12, 21 and 30[1+2=3, 2+1=3, 3+0=3]. For 5 category this people will come i.e. who born on this dates 5, 14 and 23[1+4 =5, 2+3=5]. For 7 category this people will come i.e. who born on this dates 7, 16 and 25[1+6=7, 2+5=7]. For 9 category this people will come i.e. who born on this dates 9, 18 and 27[1+8=9, 2+7=9]. This 1 people will be very active and hard working. But this people will be very dominating nature, they want each decision must be their decision whether it may be in office or at home. But this one quality isn’t good but other things in them are very good qualities like smart, helping nature, zeal to come up in life. Stick to one decision and never give up. This 1 people are male people means they will have male qualities like daring, will choose all fields irrespective of gender like weather that person is male or female they will have male qualities. They like to do even marketing jobs i.e. even female also. They like to choose career like defense department etc i.e. even girls also.

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According to numerology 2 is a female number.2, 4, 6 and 8 numbers come under female category. This people who born on this dates come under 2 categories i.e. 2, 11, 20 and 29[1+1=2, 2+0=2, and 2+9=11=1+1=2]. This people will be very hard working, smart, patience, kind hearted and love and affection. They are good followers; they want to work under boss but don’t want to become boss because they are not dominating nature. They can do work very well but can’t become boss because they can’t manage a group, because of their polite nature. This is a very good number according to numerology. But this people aren’t lucky people because success will not get immediately i.e. whenever they do any work they will not get success immediately. They are very adjusting nature.

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                  According to numerology 3 is a male number. The people born on this dates come under 3 category  i.e. 3, 12, 21 and 30[1+2=3, 2+1=3, and 3+0=3]. This people are very good at creativity. They will be good at managing the things, they are good managers. They are good leaders. They talk philosophy. They are flexible.

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According to numerology 4 is a female number. The people born on this dates come under 4 category i.e. 4, 13, 22 and 31[1+3=4, 2+2=4, and 3+1=4]. This people are very hard working. But according to numerology this number isn’t lucky because they do hard work but success will not come immediately. Even support from others will be less weather it may be from friends, relatives and family. To come up in life support of others is compulsory.

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According to numerology 5 is a male number.  The people born on this dates come under 5 category they are 5, 14 and 23[1+4=5, 2+3=5].According to numerology this number is very lucky number. This people will be very active, hard working, loves travelling, expects new things frequently, they hate routine life. This people want to be up to date in everything. They talk to everyone i.e. they are jovial people; they talk very politely to everyone even with their employees. They respect elders. According to numerology it is best number, this people are good in all aspects.

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According to numerology it is a female number. The people born on this dates come under 6 category they are 6, 15 and 24[1+5=6, 2+4=6]. According to numerology 6 is very lucky number. They look beautiful and young. They love food a lot. Their weakness is food. They are very luxury people i.e. they want everything to be rich. They want everything to be up to date weather it may be dresses, bikes, houses, food, hotels, cars etc. They spend lavishly; their weakness is spending lavishly and eating. But this number people are good at other things like hard working, helping nature, respects elders, polite nature, helping friends, in their life friend are like family members, that much they give importance to friends, they help friends a lot like family members.

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According to numerology 7 is a male number. The people born on this dates come under 7 category they are 7,16and 25[1+6=7 and 2+5=7]. This 7 number people aren’t that much lucky people because success will not come immediately to them i.e. after doing hard work also. But this number people are very good at other aspect’s like helping others, very jovial, hard working, believes in god, respects elders, they are good philosophers.

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According to numerology 8 is a female number. The people born on this dates come under 8 category  8, 17 and 26[1+7=8, 2+6=8]. This 8 people are very hard working people like servants. But according to numerology this number is an unlucky number because success will not come immediately but success comes very late. This people are perfect people we can say because how much failure comes also, they do hard work with positive nature that success will come one day or other. Positive thinking in all aspects, weather it may be in personal life or commercial life. But even though late success but success will be very huge that everybody recognizes them such a success they get.

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According to numerology 9 is a male number. The people born on this numbers come under 9 category  9, 18 and 27[1+8=9, 2+7=9]. This people have male qualities, even females also have same qualities like daring, likes outdoor activities, they choose professions like marketing, army, navy and police etc. This people will be very straight forward people. They always support truth in any circumstances it may be. For them everybody are equal weather it may be parents, siblings, relatives and friends, suppose if any person does wrong then this people will fight against them weather that person may be family member also doesn't cares.

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According to astrology this people belong to shatriya caste. This people are different in nature, they give importance to name and fame but not for money, they say money they can earn at any time but not name and fame. This people supports only truth and  if anything is going wrong in any place it may be, they start arguing on that issue even though it is none of their business, suppose front person is much rich and has power but doesn't care.

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                     According to astrology this people belong to shudra caste. This people look beautiful and their weakness is food. They spend lavish in all aspects. They love latest cars, houses, dresses, bikes, restaurants etc. They are hard working people. They loves filmy field, they want to choose this filmy field as career. They don’t want to change fields frequently.

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According to astrology this people belong to vysya caste. This people have same qualities of vysyas like hard working, not spending much, think and act, loves to do business. This people will not do job in one field, they frequently change fields, this is main problem with this people. They always have some problem in job.

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According to astrology this people belong to Brahmin caste. This people will have same qualities of Brahmin like too much superstitions. Believes that customs and traditions is life means too much superstition. And always think about society and take decisions accordingly. Take much tension and takes all issues very seriously.
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According to astrology this people belongs to shatriya caste. This people will get angry very fast. They look very bold from outside but inside they are very fear people. They take tension for small issues also but looks as if doesn’t take tension. They are very hard working people and truth people; they support only truth in any circumstances it may be. This people give importance to name and fame but not money.

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According to astrology this people belong to shudra caste. This people will be hard working, this people will be good looking, and give importance to outlook i.e. will have dress sense. This people want to be independent. This people frequently changes jobs and will have job tension. This people will have knowledge in many fields.

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According to astrology this people belong to vysya caste. This people will have much qualities of vysyas like they think and take decisions, smart, spends according to requirement. This people will have interest to work in filmy industry i.e.  Like actor or actress or any field like production dept or direction dept etc.

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According to astrology this people belong to Brahmin caste. This people will be angry, they live for society i.e. they always think about society  before doing any work .They are very superstitions people, whatever others say they believe relating to god, they never think that person is saying right or wrong, they blindly believe. They want to continue in one job rather changing.

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According to astrology this people belong to shatriya caste. This people will have qualities of shatriya’s like stick to their words. Believe in god and truth. This people will not do one job they always shuffle. They are stubborn people. They are intelligent people. They are kind in nature. They are hard working people, believe in hard work.

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According to astrology this people belong to shurdha caste. This people will not do one job, they always change jobs and even houses also. They are very hard working people. They are very active in nature. They are smart people. They want to come up in life. They always believe in hard work. They always have some problem in job.

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According to astrology this people belong to vysya caste. This people will have many qualities of vysyas like smart, hard working, think and act according to situation. Will be interested to do business and spends according to requirement. This people will be proud in nature. Somewhat demanding in nature i.e. arguing in nature. They believe in hard work. They want to continue in one field. They believe in god. They don’t like all people i.e. if they like then only they do friendship.

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According to astrology this people belong to Brahmin caste. This people will have much qualities of Brahmin like too much superstitions, fallows too much customs and traditions. They believe in god i.e. fear in god. They also fear about society that what people think about them, if they does that work and do work accordingly. They frequently change jobs, and have knowledge in many fields, but will have job tension always.

                    For more information please visit:


In hand first of all more lines shouldn't be there and on life line or head line or career line or heart line on this lines i.e. above this lines other lines shouldn't be their i.e. other small lines. Good signs in hand are, in any part on  hand  this signs may present except on fingers like BIRD, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, UMBRELLA, TRISHUL, STAR and RECTANGLE.

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